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Blaze Guitar Pro Tabs

Blaze tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Born As A Stranger .gp3 864
Evolution .gp3 567
Ghost In The Machine .gp3 739
Identity .gp3 603
Kill And Destroy V1 .gp3 631
Kill And Destroy V2 .gp3 512
Leap Of Faith .gp3 515
Reach For The Horizon .gp3 670
Silicon Messiah .gp3 768
Stare At The Sun .gp3 644
The Brave .gp3 881
The Hunger V1 .gp3 560
The Hunger V2 .gp3 491
The Launch V1 .gp3 564
The Launch V2 .gp3 661
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