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Kittie Guitar Pro Tabs

Kittie tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Brackish .gp3 1,105
Brackish (1) .gp3 524
Brackish (3) .gp3 512
Brackish (live) .gp3 640
Charlotte .gp3 678
Choke .gp3 761
Immortal .gp4 579
Johnny .gp3 584
Pain .gp3 669
Pain (2) .gp3 486
Paperdoll .gp3 597
Paperdoll (2) .gp3 564
Paperdoll (3) .gp3 509
Safe .gp3 596
Spit .gp3 879
Suck .gp3 681
What I Always Wanted .gp3 804
What I Always Wanted (2) .gp3 512
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