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Cranberries Guitar Pro Tabs

Cranberries tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Animal Instinct .gp4 5,239
Away .gp3 988
Dreams .gp5 2,767
Electric blue .gp3 1,000
Empty .gp3 1,314
Hollywood .gp4 1,187
I still do .gp3 794
Linger .gp3 4,382
Ode to my family .gp3 2,191
Ode To My Family (2) .gp3 4,713
Promises .gp3 2,868
Promises (2) .gp3 1,687
Ridiculous thoughts .gp3 1,192
Salvation (2) .gp3 2,727
Sunday .gp3 774
When you're gone .gp4 2,850
Zombie (3) .gp3 27,821
Zombie (4) .gp4 19,958
Zombie (5) .gp3 9,330
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